“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Mathew 11:28
Is the Lord God our friend? Or is he just another stranger we meet in passing? The truth may be that he is a stranger to you. It is very easy for us to treat him that way. We may think of him only occasionally; we may only think of him at church, or occasionally at other times. If we only think of him in passing once in a while when something reminds us of him, he is as much a stranger as someone you would meet in passing on the way into the grocery store, doctor’s office or speak to only briefly on a telephone.
We may enjoy talking about him to others, at church, to would be Christians on the street, wherever but do we talk to HIM. If not are we not treating him as a stranger?
If God is a real person in our lives, if we actually know him, then we must talk to him, pray to him and listen to him in a real living way. We should not just go through the emotions of praying to him without thinking about what he is saying. Such shallow conversations are for acquaintances, not for friends, not for family, and not for God.
We need to have a personal relationship with him, we need to get close to him, and allow him to get closer to us. He was born of this earth and became a man that we might be close to him. He created and governs all things; he is all seeing and all knowing; he loves us and wants the best for us.
He is a person we are to trust, love, and come to in prayer. If our Lord God seems distant, if he does not seem like a real person, a person who cares for us like none other every day of our life then the problem does not lie in him but in us!
Prayer is a spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to him. Prayer to God is like a child’s conversation with their Father. It is natural for a child to ask a Father for things that he needs.
There are many promises in God's word to encourage us to pray, such as “He shall call upon and I will answer him: I will be with him (Psalm 91:15) “And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear. (Isaiah 65:24) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you find; knock and the door will be opened to you”(Mathew 7:7). The scriptures tell us that God hears and answers prayer.
When you receive Christ into your heart, you become a child of God and have the privilege of talking to him in prayer at any time about ANYTHING. The Christian life is a personal relationship to God through our Lord Jesus Christ and, best of all, it’s a relationship that will last for all eternity.
We may enjoy talking about him to others, at church, to would be Christians on the street, wherever but do we talk to HIM. If not are we not treating him as a stranger?
If God is a real person in our lives, if we actually know him, then we must talk to him, pray to him and listen to him in a real living way. We should not just go through the emotions of praying to him without thinking about what he is saying. Such shallow conversations are for acquaintances, not for friends, not for family, and not for God.
We need to have a personal relationship with him, we need to get close to him, and allow him to get closer to us. He was born of this earth and became a man that we might be close to him. He created and governs all things; he is all seeing and all knowing; he loves us and wants the best for us.
He is a person we are to trust, love, and come to in prayer. If our Lord God seems distant, if he does not seem like a real person, a person who cares for us like none other every day of our life then the problem does not lie in him but in us!
Prayer is a spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to him. Prayer to God is like a child’s conversation with their Father. It is natural for a child to ask a Father for things that he needs.
There are many promises in God's word to encourage us to pray, such as “He shall call upon and I will answer him: I will be with him (Psalm 91:15) “And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear. (Isaiah 65:24) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you find; knock and the door will be opened to you”(Mathew 7:7). The scriptures tell us that God hears and answers prayer.
When you receive Christ into your heart, you become a child of God and have the privilege of talking to him in prayer at any time about ANYTHING. The Christian life is a personal relationship to God through our Lord Jesus Christ and, best of all, it’s a relationship that will last for all eternity.
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